Which Video Game Character Are You?
Which Video Game Character Are You?
Which video game character are you most like? Take this quiz and find out.
Which video game character are you most like? Take this quiz and find out.
Are you male or female?
What are you fighting for?
Armed or unarmed combat?
Do you prefer nostalgic adventure or bad ass battles?
Where are you from?
What is your best quality?
What is your worst quality?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
You love going fast and are always eager to help others with a big smile on your face!
You are eager, charming but sometimes arrogant. Somehow, everyone still loves you!
Lara Croft?
Lara Croft?
You are a badass that's out to play for sport and loves the challenge of the game.
Itsa you Mario! Your goal is a romantic one- save the princess and get the glory. Maybe you are a plumber on the side?
Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot
You might be a bit ditzy sometimes and may not be quite sure what is going on, but you have a good heart and are excited to kick some butt!
Princess Peach
Princess Peach
The damsel in distress. You let others dot he fighting for you and wait until someone comes along to save you.
Jill Valentine
Jill Valentine
You don't take crap from anybody. You are the person people rely on in a crisis, even if you can be a bit distant.
Master Chief
Master Chief
The mission- save the planet. There is no time for socialising or romance.