How money smart are you?

Think you know the secrets to financial success? Find out if you're on the right track...

Vicki Crowe
Created by Vicki Crowe(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Sep 29, 2016

How close an eye do you keep on your bank balance?

What's your approach to shopping sprees?

How do you manage your credit card bills?

Do you have a rainy-day fund set aside?

You're an organiser

You're an organiser

You have a well-balanced approach to money and can account for your finances pretty comprehensively. Credit cards, if you use them, are paid off wisely. You make sure your monthly statements balance.
*If you already bank online, use your banking app to keep closer tabs.
*If you haven’t already got an IFA, find one at and book your finances in for an annual health check to make the most of your money savviness.

You're a big spender

You're a big spender

As far as you’re concerned, life’s too short to worry about money, so if you’ve got it, spend it. In fact, even if you haven’t got it, you spend it – that’s what credit cards are for! From meals out to holidays, your income is spent on things that give you pleasure and a status boost.
*Get a budgeting app, such as MoneySmart.
*Need motivation to save? If you’re struggling to put money aside now, when you're earning, imagine managing on the state pension (going up to £151.25 a week in April).

You're an ostrich

You're an ostrich

If finances are out of sight you don’t have to deal with them – or that's what you think. Bills and bank statements are neglected and you don’t know how much money, if any, is in your current account or pension! It’s all so overwhelming and anxiety provoking, you'll deal with it later. Time to stop burying your head in the sand.
*Start with small steps: read bank statements and credit card bills and be proactive.
*Keep a spending diary, religiously, for a week to help you pinpoint exactly what you are spending and when. Categorise receipts into different envelopes.

You're a penny pincher

You're a penny pincher

Your ultimate money mantra is, saving for a rainy day. Not one to indulge in life's little luxuries, you will always worry that you could have got a better deal or bargained somebody down.
*Don’t forget to enjoy the rewards of your thriftiness occasionally it's not wasting money doing so.
*Cheapest isn’t always the most important criteria, quality and customer service is worth paying extra for.

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