8 Disney+ Shows You Should be Watching!
8 Disney+ Shows You Should be Watching!
Summer is the time for binging shows and we have 8 perfect shows for your that can all be found on Disney's streaming platform, Disney Plus. Let's take a look!
Summer is the time for binging shows and we have 8 perfect shows for your that can all be found on Disney's streaming platform, Disney Plus. Let's take a look!
1. Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi
2. Marvel's Moon Knight
3. Snowdrop
4. Marvel's What If...?
5. Brain Games
6. Alaska Animal Rescue
7. Parallels
8. Ms. Marvel
There are hundreds of things to watch on Disney Plus, but we hope these 8 make your list this summer! Disney Plus is currently $7.99USD if you want to give it a try. Which will you be watching first?
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