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Cash or Card: What's Your Checkout Line Personality? 

Are you the impatient shopper or the friendly chatterbox?

Victoria Hicks
Created by Victoria Hicks
On Sep 26, 2023
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Did you know that Americans spend on average about 43 minutes per grocery shopping trip? Sometimes we go grocery shopping with a plan in mind, a time limit, and other times we just go and hope for the best. We have a question for you: If everything goes sideways, how to do you react while waiting in the checkout line?

>> Clean Up on Aisle YOU: Which Grocery Store Aisle Mirrors Your Personality?

What's your go-to grocery store attire?

When you're in a checkout line, what are you doing on your phone?

You have a full cart of groceries, and the person in front of you only has a few items but is taking a long time. How are you feeling?

What's your preferred checkout method?

You notice the person behind you has just ONE item. What do you do?

What's your reaction when someone in front of you starts pulling out their phone or paper for coupons or starts looking for loose change?

You realize you've been overcharged for your items. How do you react?

Pick a beverage to drink while shopping.

Which do you care about more when it comes to your checkout line?

And to wrap up, how do you feel about small talk while waiting in line?

Don't worry we'll make it quick, Impatient Shopper.

Don't worry we'll make it quick, Impatient Shopper.

This comes to the surprise of no one. You can't stand waiting in long lines and usually want to be in and out of the store quickly. You're on a mission and waiting in line isn't a part of the assignment. Share your results with a friend!

Hi there, Friendly Shopper!

Hi there, Friendly Shopper!

You enjoy chatting with other people while waiting in line sometimes. If not you may be on your phone texting a friend. You don't mind a longer line and try to keep things relatively chill for other shoppers and the cashier. You're more likely to help out a fellow shopper in front or behind you if you see them struggling. Share your results with someone who goes shopping with you often!

A smooth experience is a good one. Isn't that right, Efficient Shopper?

A smooth experience is a good one. Isn't that right, Efficient Shopper?

You prefer self-checkout or a smooth shopping experience free of distractions. When things start to become a hassle you grit your teeth and try to see it through. Does this sound like you? Compare results with a close friend!

Handsfree, we see you Virtual Shopper!

Handsfree, we see you Virtual Shopper!

If it can be bought online and shipped directly to your house - if it can be ordered for pickup, you're doing it! You avoid the grocery store at all costs. Whether it's the people, the energy, or social anxiety - you prefer to use apps and services to ensure all of your grocery needs are met. Share your results with a friend who can relate!

Even if you cart is full, which do you prefer?

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