Drake Quiz: Drake's #1 Fan Will Get 100% on This Quiz
Drake Quiz: Drake's #1 Fan Will Get 100% on This Quiz
How well do you know some of the most popular songs by Drake? Take our quiz and prove you're Drake's #1 fan.
How well do you know some of the most popular songs by Drake? Take our quiz and prove you're Drake's #1 fan.
Before his successful music career, Drake actually started off as an actor! Many people, especially fans of the series will know this - Drake starred in TV show Degrassi: The Next Generation from 2001-2009. He played a character named Jimmy Brooks, who dreamed of becoming a rapper. How the tables turn! How many of Drake's lyrics do you know? Let's put your knowledge to the test!
1 / 10
Fill in the blanks for this iconic Drake lyric!
2 / 10
Can you finish this Drake lyric?
3 / 10
4 / 10
5 / 10
6 / 10
7 / 10
8 / 10
9 / 10
10 / 10
Questions left
Did you watch Drake when he was on Degrassi?
Did you watch Drake when he was on Degrassi?
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On Nov 18, 2021