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Marvel Fans, Voting Time! Which Live-Action Show Do You Think Is Best?

We're looking at Disney+ originals, some Netflix picks, and even some Hulu and ABC gems. Time to head to the polls - which show stands above all?

Victoria Hicks
Created by Victoria Hicks
On Apr 15, 2023
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In June 2020, "Marvel TV" as we know it today came to life. This excludes of course the classics we know like The Amazing Spider-Man and X-Men: The Animated Series, etc. But more of the live-action shows we're taking in. This was established with Jeph Loeb at the helm. He had plenty of ideas to bounce off of the President, Kevin Feige. When things begin to widen this much, the divide between the TV series and the films begins. While some shows would reference the Battle of New York in Avengers in the past, others did not reference the MCU films at all. Some fans didn't mind this, while others are wanted that interconnectivity. Things are slowly changing with Disney (who has obtained Marvel) gaining the rights to other properties. Marvel Netflix shows such as Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones have now all been moved to Disney+ in their completed forms - while Daredevil's Born Again series is currently in its production phase. Which of these shows are your favorites? Let's talk about it!:)

Which ABC Marvel show do you think is the most binge-worthy?

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Which Netflix - Marvel show is the most binge-worthy?

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Which Hulu - Marvel show would you binge-watch first?

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Which Disney+ Marvel show is the most binge-worthy?

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With Phase 5's plans being shifted as we speak, Marvel is currently going for a less is more approach and has cut back on how many shows they want to release at one time. So we shall see what new shows will be introduced, which will return, and which will be cut forever.

How much TV do you actually watch?

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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