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What Totally Gross and Undesired Trick or Treat Snack are You? 

We're gonna open our bag and let you know...

Victoria Hicks
Created by Victoria Hicks
On Oct 20, 2023
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Did you know Halloween goes back as far as 2000 years? It started as a Christian Celtic festival to celebrate the end of summer and spirits crossing over into the afterlife. To fend off ghosts they'd light bonfires and wear costumes to fool (trick) the spirits in the UK.

So whenever you dress up and go trick-or-treating now you know it's an ancient tradition!

>> Ready for a Sweet Quiz on the Origins of Candy?

What's your favorite way to celebrate Halloween?

What's your go-to snack for a scary movie night?

How do you go about having a healthy lifestyle?

Pick a treat for Halloween.

What's your idea Halloween costume?

How do you feel about trick-or-treating?

Choose your favorite Halloween decoration.

What kind of haunted houses are the scariest?

Someone gives you a healthy snack for Halloween, how do you feel?

We've talked a ton about treats, but what are your thoughts on Halloween tricks (pranks)?

Uh oh... You're dental floss!

Uh oh... You're dental floss!

Dental floss is always needed, but is COMPLETELY undesired as a Halloween treat! Sometimes you're a bit of a buzzkill, but you mean well. You want to make sure people are still being responsible when you are having fun. You also believe there can be too much of a good thing. Share your results with a friend who can be a buzzkill.

You're a pack of raisins!?!

You're a pack of raisins!?!

A healthy treat, but not exactly something people expect during their Halloween trick-or-treat rounds. You're practical and appreciated, and try your best to implement healthy habits in your friendships and romantic relationships. Compare results with your partner!

Hey, not bad!You're a mystery homemade snack!

Hey, not bad!You're a mystery homemade snack!

You're the kind of snack that looks great, but sometimes leaves the trick-or-treaters unsure of exactly "what is this?" You're mysterious and people find you intriguing while others may find you a little intimidating. Does this sound like you? Share your results with a friend!

What do you do on Halloween night?

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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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