We Can ACCURATELY Guess How Many Pets You Have
We Can ACCURATELY Guess How Many Pets You Have
In just 10 simple questions, we can easily guess how many pets you have!
In just 10 simple questions, we can easily guess how many pets you have!
Have you ever been sitting in another room and your cat or friend's cat makes a sound you've NEVER heard from them before? Relatable! Cats have the ability to make over 100 different sounds to express a wide range of emotions! How many sounds do you think you've heard your cats make? And while we're at it, let's see if we can guess how many pets you have!
What's your go-to breakfast?
What do you do when you first wake up in the morning?
What time do you usually wake up?
Is your sleep ever interrupted or are you woken up earlier than usual?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Which day of the week do you feel like you get the most things done?
Which game are you more likely to play with friends?
What size bed do you sleep in?
How often do you snack throughout the day?
What's your current mode of transportation?
You have no pets!
You have no pets!
Based on your responses, you live a pet-free life! Whether it's preferred or you aren't in a place to have one right now - you aren't pounced awake in the morning. Did we get it right? Share the quiz with a friend who has pets!
You have 1 buddy!
You have 1 buddy!
Based on your responses, you have one pet! One is perfect for you as you can give them the perfect amount of attention and still do things for yourself away from home. Did we guess it right? :) Share your results with a friend who has pets!
You have 2 pets!
You have 2 pets!
Based on your responses, you have two cute little buddies! You don't need to set 8 alarms when you have 8 paws stomping on your in the morning. You opt for a quick breakfast when getting their breakfast ready. Did we guess it correctly? Share your results with a fellow pet-haver!
You have 3 or more pets!
You have 3 or more pets!
Based on your responses, you have three or more pets! After long days of caring for your pets and working - you like to relax with some Netflix. You typically wake up before 7 am to start the day for everyone including yourself. Did we guess correctly? Share your results with a friend!
Which pet do you have?
Which pet do you have?