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Which Type of French Fry Best Describes Your Personality? 

We're "happier than a seagull with a french fry" that you're here... Take our quiz to see which type of fry you are!

Victoria Hicks
Created by Victoria Hicks
On Jul 13, 2022
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French fries make the perfect snack, side, main meal, and even happiness. Did you know, according to National Geographic, that the average American eats about 30 pounds of french fries per year? We'd believe it! And that there's a museum dedicated to french fries in Belgium called the Frietmuseum? It looks and smells delicious! Now that we have your craving that delicious golden potato, which type of french fry best describes who are you? Let's find out!

Pick a baked potato

Which Parmesan Fries speak to you?

How do you sleep with your pillow?

What do you like to do with your free time?

If you were a dipping sauce which would you be?

Pick a word your friends would use to describe you.

On a scale of 1-5, what is your energy level right now? 1 being low, 5 being high.

What's your favorite mode of transportation?

Are you more likely to be the first or last one to arrive at a restaurant?

How do you feel about surprises?

Tater Tots!

Tater Tots!

You vibe with tater tots on an emotional level! You're introverted and keep to yourself at times, but don't mind getting with friends and going to events. People adore you and enjoy your company. There's a certain happiness and comfort people have when around you.

Shoestring Fries!

Shoestring Fries!

You don't need all the glitz and glam in life to be happy. A simple nap and a nice comfortable breeze outside and you're all set! You enjoy a little adventure, but typically enjoy keeping things relatively chill in your day-to-day. You like a little crunch during your week, but nothing too floppy. A nice in-between!

Homemade Fries!

Homemade Fries!

You're the crafty, DIY friend in your group! You're always up to trying something new, whether creating plans or joining someone. Open-minded is your middle name and curiosity is your other middle name!

Curly Fries!

Curly Fries!

You're the spontaneous and fun one amongst your group of friends! That spontaneity doesn't just apply to your social life, but also to your work life. You're flexible and can move quickly when plans change - sometimes you can wait until you have enough information to make a solid decision on something.

Crinkle Fries!

Crinkle Fries!

You get your energy from being around others! You prefer to talk out your problems rather than let them fester and just build up inside of you. Alone time isn't required for you, but is appreciated when your energy levels are depleted!

1 / 10

Pick a baked potato

How do you like your fries?

Calculating results
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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