You’d Be Surprised How Many People Can’t Match These Video Game Logos

Let's go gamers, test your gaming knowledge by identifying iconic video game logos. Can you beat our high score of 15?

Victoria Hicks
Created by Victoria Hicks
On Sep 12, 2023
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Did you know that Pac-Man's original Japanese name was actually "Puck-Man"? It comes from the word Japanese word "paku" which means "chomp". However, it was wisely changed in order to avoid any vulgar writing or bad language (with a simple letter swap) on the arcade cabinets. Best move they could've made! Not just for the potential bad language, but Pac-Man just works and we can't imagine it any other way. :)

We know you can spot the icons and logos from Pac-Man a mile away, but what about Fall Out, Stardew Valley, or Apex Legends? Let's jump in and find out!

1 / 21

Let's start simple: Which fun, but intense game is this logo from?

2 / 21

Match this logo to the video game title!

3 / 21

Which popular video game is this?

4 / 21

Which relaxing game is this logo from?

5 / 21

Which game is this logo from?

6 / 21

Which trippy game is this logo for?

7 / 21

Which popular game does this logo belong to?

8 / 21

Which party game does this logo represent?

9 / 21

Match the video game to the logo.

10 / 21

Which game does this logo represent?

11 / 21

Which story-rich game does this logo belong to?

12 / 21

Match the logo to one of the games below.

13 / 21

Which game is this logo from?

14 / 21

Which popular "shoot-em-up" game does this logo belong to?

15 / 21

Match the logo to one of the games below!

16 / 21

Which fighting game's logo is in the photo?

17 / 21

Match the logo to one of the games below!

18 / 21

Match the video game to the logo.

19 / 21

Which free-to-play game is represented with the logo above?

20 / 21

Which game does this very popular logo belong to?

21 / 21

Which indie-horror game logo is this?

Questions left

How do you best like gaming?

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On Nov 18, 2021