Which Zootopia character are you... REALLY?
Which Zootopia character are you... REALLY?
So, the internet is blowing up as of late with Zootopia quizzes, but let's be honest -- most of them are totally predictable or wildly inaccurate. "What's your favorite animal?" 1. Fox 2. Rabbit..... come on, that's ridiculous? This quiz aims to narrow down YOUR personality type so you find out which furball you REALLY are... not just what your favorite character is. (Warning! Some results may contain spoilers, so it is advised to not take this quiz until you have seen the movie!)
So, the internet is blowing up as of late with Zootopia quizzes, but let's be honest -- most of them are totally predictable or wildly inaccurate. "What's your favorite animal?" 1. Fox 2. Rabbit..... come on, that's ridiculous? This quiz aims to narrow down YOUR personality type so you find out which furball you REALLY are... not just what your favorite character is. (Warning! Some results may contain spoilers, so it is advised to not take this quiz until you have seen the movie!)

You're taking a walk in the park, when suddenly you pass by a baby in a stroller -- but there are no parents around! What do you do?
You're walking with your friend, when suddenly your crush approaches!! Ooh la la, what do you do?
Which of these is scariest to you?
Your friend accidentally broke a VERY expensive vase... but the police blame you! How do you respond?
Everyone's going to Disneyland this weekend and you've been invited... but you wake up with a cold!!! What do you do?
You end up having dinner at your boss' house... but they cook something you know for sure that you hate!! What do you do?
You're the lead in the local play! How do you feel?
Last question -- who do YOU think you are most like?
You're Nick Wilde!
You're Nick Wilde!
Always the clever one, your first thoughts when faced with a problem are how to weasel out of doing the dirty work. However, you've still got a lot of heart in you. Sure, you're lazy. Sure, maybe some troubles in your past have discouraged you from trying. But you know what? You know you're a good person, and your friends know you're a good person. And if you start living up to your potential, you could truly be great.
You're Judy Hopps!
You're Judy Hopps!
Always the underdog, you have worked hard your whole life to get to where you are now. You have a strong sense of justice and morality, and although you sometimes (read: a lot of the time) slip up and make mistakes, you are always trying to improve yourself and the world around you, especially for others. On occasion you let your fears get the better of you, but you always overcome them and rise above to do what you know is right!
You're Flash!
You're Flash!
Let's face it -- you're not exactly at the top of... well, anything. You're not as fast, as smart, as clever or as strong as any of your friends, but you make up for it with a very pleasant personality. Sometimes you come off as a nuisance to others, but those close to you know just how awesome you really are. Besides, in the end you aspire to be like your friends -- daring, cool and fun. Who knows? Maybe you'll get there yet.
You're Chief Bogo!
You're Chief Bogo!
You're the gruff type who tends to come off as cold-hearted or mean, but really you're just trying to distance yourself so as to not seem over-emotional. Your practical ways and matter-of-fact thinking make you a natural leader, but as far as friends go you don't have many. However, you do occasionally let your softer side show to those who care about you, and it is because of this that the friends you do make are very good ones.
You're Benjamin Clawhauser!
You're Benjamin Clawhauser!
Let's face it, friendo -- you have some impulse control issues. Whatever it may be, you always have a hard time keeping yourself from doing something you want to do. However, your cheery personality and soft edges make you a very pleasant person to be around, and those who find themselves in your presence will often leave in a much better mood than they arrived.
You're Assistant Mayor Bellwether!
You're Assistant Mayor Bellwether!
You're a bit of a doormat sometimes, and although you spend a lot of time with the popular crowd you get a very tiny fraction of the limelight. In fact, those cool people you hang out with often take advantage of you. As a result, beneath your friendly exterior you have probably cultivated a lot of anger and hatred for others. At some point, you're certain, there will be a time when you finally pop and lash out at those who kept you down, and let me tell you it is NOT going to be pretty.
You're Mayor Lionheart!
You're Mayor Lionheart!
You're cooler than cool, and you know it. You've worked hard to get where you are, and you tend to hold a lot of power over others. People look up to you, and you try your best to be the kind of person who deserves it.... but you're not perfect. You can sometimes be vain, conceited or just plain rude without meaning to be, and you tend to walk all over others who help keep you up. It's not all your fault... there's a lot of pressure on you to be the best. Just try to acknowledge the little guys sometimes, okay?
You're Gazelle!
You're Gazelle!
You make a big scene wherever you go, and a lot of people look up to you. That means there's a TON of pressure in whatever you do to be a star -- so your hair had better be on point and your skin had better be flawless! But underneath it all, you've got a soft, artistic personality. You try to be the voice of reason and kindness in your circles, and use your influence to spread a positive message wherever you are. Keep your head up, and you could really make a difference.