What is Your Hybrid Hogwarts House?
What is Your Hybrid Hogwarts House?
Almost every Harry Potter fan knows their House, but do we fit into just one? These hybrid houses will show you the two houses you are most suited for, with the one coming first in the name being more dominant (i.e, a Huffleclaw is a Hufflepuff with some Ravenclaw mixed in, while a Ravenpuff is a Ravenclaw with some Hufflepuff mixed in).
Almost every Harry Potter fan knows their House, but do we fit into just one? These hybrid houses will show you the two houses you are most suited for, with the one coming first in the name being more dominant (i.e, a Huffleclaw is a Hufflepuff with some Ravenclaw mixed in, while a Ravenpuff is a Ravenclaw with some Hufflepuff mixed in).

Which Hogwarts House are you most suited for? (If you don't know, take the quiz at https://www.playbuzz.com/jkrgiv10/official-hogwarts-house-quiz)
If you had the choice of your life's achievements, which of these would you choose?
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What is your take on optimism?
You had a fight with a good friend of yours. Do you talk to them, or leave them alone?
You're a Ravenpuff! You are primarily known for your brains, but those closer to you know you for your heart. You're willing to do anything for loved ones, sometimes throwing in your famous sarcasm. An example of a Ravenpuff would be Luna Lovegood. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Ravendor! Most people know you for your intelligence, but you're not afraid to put yourself out there. If you were to start to jump off a bridge, you would eventually talk yourself out of it because it's not logical. An example of a Ravendor would be Cho Chang. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Raverin! You're very intelligent, and you sometimes use that intelligence for- ahem- devious reasons. You like to be in charge sometimes, especially when it comes to academics. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Huffleclaw! You're very helpful, especially when it comes to helping out classmates or younger siblings with schoolwork. You're known for your kindness, but you are also a little bit of an overachiever in school. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Huffledor! You're very loyal to your friends, but are sometimes a little crazy and outgoing around them. You're willing to do anything for your loved ones, and by anything I mean anything. An example of a Huffledor would be Neville Longbottom. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Hufflin! As the rarest hybrid house, you're pretty special! You're kind, but if people take advantage of that you might get upset. You can be sneaky at times, but probably feel bad about it afterward. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Gryffinclaw! You are very brave and outgoing, and if someone provokes you, you aren't going to hold back. You'll probably attack them with your logic or sarcasm. An example of a Gryffinclaw is Hermione Granger. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Gryffinpuff! You are very loyal to your loved ones, and are willing to do anything for them. You are seen performing random acts of kindness a lot. An example of a Gryffinpuff would be Ron Weasley. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Gryfferin! As the second rarest combination of houses, a person who fits into both Gryffindor and Slytherin is pretty special. You are very brave, and are one that can do so without being caught. You wander around at night often, but are almost never busted. An example of a Gryfferin would be Harry Potter. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Slytherclaw! You're very sneaky, partially because you've memorized spells for easy getaways. You're very intelligent, but you are more focused on being in charge. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Slytherdor! As the second rarest combination of houses, Slytherdors are quite special! You are brave, and are rarely caught when doing things you shouldn't be (which is quite often, actually). Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
You're a Slytherpuff! A person who fits in both Slytherin and Hufflepuff is the rarest Sorting out there, so you must be pretty special! You're always nice, but also can be sneaky in the way you do it. You would be the person up at night helping the house-elves. Were we right? Tell us in the comments below!
What is Your Hybrid Hogwarts House?