Getting to Know The Crimson Field Characters

Set in 1914 during the first World War, “The Crimson Field” follows the lives of nurses and patients at a Western Front field hospital in France.

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On Mar 29, 2017

Kitty Tiernan (Oona Chaplin)

Kitty Tiernan is a divorcee. She comes from an upper middle class background but as a result of the divorce is seen as disgraced and notorious. With the sordid particulars of the divorce running in the papers, Kitty found the private details of her marriage had become the source of society gossip. She has been cast out not only by her ex-husband but by her family and is alone in the world. Tiernan is her maiden name.


Flora Marshall (Alice St. Clair)

Flora Marshall’s father made his money through trade. Her family are desperate to be accepted into the upper echelons of society and see Flora’s future marriage as a way of securing this. Although Flora is only 19 and the regulations require VADs to be 23, her family have backed her to come to France and lied for her. They hope she might meet a nice officer and advance the family socially.


Rosalie Berwick (Marianne Oldham)

Rosalie Berwick is from an upper class background, living a privileged but ultimately sheltered life. Whilst the other girls have enjoyed society life, Rosalie had to put her aspirations to one side as she nursed her dying mother who by the end barely knew who she was. Having given so much to her care, Rosalie was shocked to learn that her father had been having a long-standing affair with a female friend. On learning that she had misread her father’s relationship, Rosalie realized that she was the last to learn about her father’s indiscretion and that her innocent attitudes towards romance are hideously outdated. She’s horribly aware that she’s a huge disappointment to her family. She’s failed in her duty as a daughter – to attract a suitable man and settle down with a family. She faced a miserable future dismissed as an old maid. Then the war broke out and an alternative life beckoned.


Joan Livesey (Suranne Jones)

Until now Joan has been working as a civilian nurse in Liverpool. She loves being a nurse, paying her way in life and it’s given her a more modern outlook on life – her dress sense says it all, Joan prefers slacks and wears her hair short, her beloved motorbike embodying her sense of freedom. Naturally, she’s slightly politicised with it, when asked if she’s a suffragette her answer is ‘of course – why aren’t you?’


Captain Thomas Gillan (Richard Rankin)

Thomas grew up in a mining family on Tyneside; a grammar school boy who soared through exams, university and medical school. He has had to be better than the slowest, dullest posh boy. His family are extraordinarily proud of him and he has not left his roots behind him. Thomas worked hard back in England as a civilian surgeon in a big hospital but with growing calls for doctors to be sent to the front, Thomas saw his opportunity to work in the most extreme and pioneering of conditions.


Captain Miles Hesketh-Thorne (Alex Wyndham)

Known as Captain H-T for short. Miles isUpper class, public school and Oxford educated. Son of a surgeon, latest in a long line of Thorne medical men. It’s the family business and he’s expected to be as brilliant as those who have gone before. But Miles is not brilliant and he knows, deep down, that Thomas is a better surgeon than he will ever be.


Matron Grace Carter (Hermione Norris)

Queen Alexandria nurses were recruited from the upper classes. Grace comes across as utterly conventional. In fact she’s probably the most worldly-wise and open-minded of the hospital staff after long experience as a reservist in a big London teaching hospital. As a military nurse, Grace has had to forgo the possibility of marriage and family life – military nurses were required to make a nun-like sacrifice in order to join the service.


Lieutentant-Colonel Roland Brett (Kevin Doyle)

Outwardly Roland is a happily married man with sons in their late teens – ie old enough to enlist. Roland is a firm but fair leader. He is constantly amazed by the insanity and impracticality of orders from the top brass. They roll out directive after directive, ignorant of what the medics at the coalface are really up against. Roland endeavours to run the hospital his own way, by his own rules, without causing more friction with the powers that be than completely necessary. But if it comes to a matter of principle, he’s more than happy to stick his head above the parapet.


Sister Margaret Quayle (Kerry Fox)

Margaret is another Queen Alexandria nurse, and therefore like Grace, from an upper class background – she grew up in relative luxury in the Home Counties. Over the years she has seen extensive service abroad, serving in the Boar War at the turn of the century. Margaret has served longer service in the QAIMNS than Grace but Roland promoted Grace because he knew that Margaret’s ultimate motivation is ambition, influence and power rather than a vocation to care. This isn’t the first time Margaret has been passed over and she won’t forgive either Roland or Grace for this slight, though she’ll hide her antipathy towards them well.


Corporal Peter Foley RAMC (Jack Gordon)

A country boy from a sleepy hamlet in Suffolk, Peter was effectively thrown out of home when he was 15 after being discovered with a man. He joined the army and served in India and Africa. He has had short-lived affairs all over the world and one or two serious relationships. He’s an excellent nurse but is perceived as inferior to the nurses because women are seen as naturally more nurturing. However the men love his calm, quiet, practical nursing style. One of the unsung heroes of the hospital.


Sergeant Reggie Soper (Jeremy Swift)

One leg in a heavy, uncomfortable calliper, Reggie leans heavily on a stick. That’s why he’s not at the front. Petty tyrant of the supply tent; addicted to the power it gives him. Reggie is networked into the dark corners of the war and uses the extensive black market to cement his earnings and position. Anything confiscated goes to Reggie – and Reggie in turn makes it disappear. His machinations are well known within the hospital but it is commonly known that going up against Reggie will only cause you inconvenience the next time you need some supplies. Joan will learn this to her cost.

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