Which fictional priest would you be?

Answer the questions to find out which fictional priest you would be.

Vocation Boom
Created by Vocation Boom (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 3, 2015

Are you Catholic?

How worldly are you?

How do you feel about cassocks?

Do you believe the teachings of the Church?

No, seriously, every teaching of the Church?

How do you feel about solving mysteries?

How do you feel about music?

What's more important: doctrine or the poor?

Where would you rather live?

You stumble upon a soul in need of mercy, so you...

Fr. Brown

Fr. Brown

You are Fr. Brown! Orthodox, astute, and a wee bit pudgy, you'd be the kind of priest who relishes in being Catholic, especially when there's mystery and a bit of feasting involved. You love to figure things out, and your keen insights into human nature make that a relatively easy task. Your tendency toward mercy sometimes puts you in situations where you can get burned, but for you, that's a sacrifice worth the risk.

Don't know who Fr. Brown is? Check out the short stories by G.K. Chesterton!

Fr. O'Malley

Fr. O'Malley

You are Fr. O'Malley! Older, more traditional Catholics may question your suitability for the priesthood, but your infectious joy and mellifluous singing voice will win them over - eventually. Just please, please don't let any churches burn down on your watch, okay?

Don't know who Fr. O'Malley is? Check out Going My Way and Bells of St. Mary's, classic Catholic films you'll love.

Bishop Myriel

Bishop Myriel

You are Bishop Myriel! A lot of folks think you're a saint with a deep love of the poor and heroic mercy, but that's just because they don't know you well. Anyone who's read your book (instead of just your Broadway play) knows you side with the world over the Church. But you're probably just choosing all the worst possible answers just to see what would happen, right? That's actually a very Fr. Brown thing to do. So congratulations, you're Fr. Brown!

Archbishop Latour

Archbishop Latour

You are Archbishop Latour! Introverted, faithful, and prudent, you desire to take the gospel to those in grave need of reform - as long as you have a sturdy friend to lean on. You'll go on to do great things as a bishop, and show strong leadership in rebuilding a vast diocese through real tribulations.

Don't know what we're talking about? Read Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather.

Fr. Zosima

Fr. Zosima

You are Fr. Zosima! Your mystical, sage wisdom confuses more people than it enlightens, but that doesn't bother you. You're something of a free spirit, totally in love with God and His little ones, but not always true to the established way of doing things. But no one knows what you're talking about, which is probably why a lot of folks don't read Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. Come to think of it, we don't even know what you're doing on this quiz...

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