Which Salvatore Brother Said This? ....... Vampire Diaries Quiz
Which Salvatore Brother Said This? ....... Vampire Diaries Quiz
How well do YOU know the Salvatore brothers? Which brother said the following 10 quotes?
How well do YOU know the Salvatore brothers? Which brother said the following 10 quotes?

"If we start believing in some supernatural witchy-woo legend from a picture book, we're idiots. Who has the stone now?"
"I miss Anne Rice. She was so on it"
" Yes, being a 150 year old teenager has been the height of my happiness. "
" Let me just name the million other people I`d rather be having dinner with right now. "
"Your mom wanted you to know how proud of you she was, and she should be. You're a beautiful, strong woman, a generous friend, and a bright light in a sea of dark. "
"I do believe in killing the messenger, you know why? Because it sends a message. "
" Besides, there’s going to people everywhere tonight. So there’s going to be lots to eat. I’m kidding. I’m kidding. Loosen up. "
" Look, just ask her to drink from the blood bag. Tell her how happy you'll be if it works. And if I'm wrong, I'll be the first to apologize. "
"Because when I drag my brother from the edge and deliver him back to you I want you to remember the things you felt while he was gone."
"Hey, now that you're in charge, I just wanna say thanks. I've actually got a pretty good track record with the sheriffs in this town."