Which member of the Gatewatch embodies you?
Which member of the Gatewatch embodies you?
You knew the Gatewatch? Which one actually embodies you the most? are you the Battle-Forged? hmm the Telepath Unbound? is it Defiant Necromancer? maybe the Roaring Flames? or the Sage Animist? Lets find out!
You knew the Gatewatch? Which one actually embodies you the most? are you the Battle-Forged? hmm the Telepath Unbound? is it Defiant Necromancer? maybe the Roaring Flames? or the Sage Animist? Lets find out!
When you make a decision, it base on your ...
Which oath you were likely to hold?
In a team, which role that you attend the most?
How do you see your self in a team?
If one of your team is in trouble, what would you do?
If the rest of the team are captured and your the one left, what would you do?
If your team are in a mess situation and really need urgent respon, what would you do?
Which one of these planeswalker is really a nemesis to you?
Which events that truelly rip you appart and took the sense of meaning of the world for you?
From the picture below, which one is pleasing to the eye?
How do you deal with temper?
How do you compete with enemies?
Gideon Jura
Gideon Jura
You are the Battle-Forged, Gideon Jura. You are a leader that protect and care to all of his friends. You can fight any obstacle in your life with confidence and righteousness inside you. You stand for justice and incorruptible in you ways. A victory with a sacrifice isn't an achievement for you. Strive to maintain the goals of your life as important as safety of all around you.
Jace Beleren
Jace Beleren
You are the Telepath Unbound, Jace Beleren! You are super brilliant, genius in every way, fast thinking and a attentive observer. Your real advantage come from you thoughts, full of plans, strategies and ways to pass obstacles in your life. You neglect emotions that lead you to fail results. You see everything detail and never blind to the truth. With a high self management and reliable, you are mastermind that never disappointing.
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
You are the Defiant Necromancer, Liliana Vess. You have ambition beyond compare but you play along well. With skilled timing and master at trickery and manipulation, you easily achieve your goals. at working together maybe you quite arrogant but you have charming chance to take lead in a urgent situation. No problems fear you, you will twist rival's own ambition, temper, impatience and advantage and turn it to their own slippery floor. You really talented to take advantages in any condition, you likely to act and support but you have a capability to control situation in your desires.
Chandra Nalaar
Chandra Nalaar
You are the Roaring Flames, Chandra Nalaar. You are brave and passionate yet determined and critical thinking. you like to improvise rather to plan along, you do from your heart and can tell the difference from which one is wrong. You love adrenaline and challenges, despite that you embrace and fought well to achieve your goals. You don't like command what to do. Despite your dangerous acts, you can minimize disadvantages by reducing chance of failure, you think before you do and you feel before you decides.
Nissa Revane
Nissa Revane
You are the Sage Animist, Nissa Revane. You are a wonderful introvert that friendly and caring yet easy to get hurt. So sensitive you are, an advantage came from with in. You really see the step where you headed and commonly to predict what comes next if you do the other way. You have a smart way to competitive measures yet you are a supporting type. You will lay for people laid before you, you stand for people who stood for you. You put honor and safety above all, you put the faith of others above you self achievements.