Are you a bagel or a doughnut?
Are you a bagel or a doughnut?
Find out what doughy creation fits your personality
Find out what doughy creation fits your personality

What do you do when you have free time?
What's your favorite TV show?
If you were a dog you would be a...
What's your favorite food?
Which celebrity would you love to be?
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Which do you prefer?
You are a bae-gel. Whether it's lounging around watching Netflix, or reading a book in a coffee shop, your presence takes people's lives to a "hole" new level. You are cool, lovable and easy-going. Never change.
Your presence is a sweet treat! You make even the most average activities into a party and aren't afraid to be in the spotlight. Keep shining and "donut" change because the world is a sweeter place with you in it.