What's Your Listening Personality?
What's Your Listening Personality?
Do you live and die for bass response? Are you constantly upgrading something in your headphone rig? Or maybe you're that annoying person in the Starbucks line who's tethered to his phone, bopping your head to Ed Sheeran. Find out what your listening personality is and what headphone best serves your personality's needs. Find your headphone at www.vybeaudio.com.
Do you live and die for bass response? Are you constantly upgrading something in your headphone rig? Or maybe you're that annoying person in the Starbucks line who's tethered to his phone, bopping your head to Ed Sheeran. Find out what your listening personality is and what headphone best serves your personality's needs. Find your headphone at www.vybeaudio.com.
Where Do You Mostly Listen to Music?
What Sounds Better?
Pick a Streaming Service.
Pick a Genre.
Pick Your Age Group
Pick a Song
Where Did You Attend School?
Bass Head
Bass Head
Let’s face it. You’re a bass head. You live and die for bass response that rattles the inside of your skull and you feel down to your toes. You crave great sound quality but if your headphones don’t deliver that visceral experience, you’re moving on.
With the Hifiman HE-400i headphones, you'll never miss a single beat drop. Find them here: http://bit.ly/1Lb1ZGI
Detail Freak
Detail Freak
Aside from very high-end resolution, and a neutral tonal balance, you crave detail above all. You want to hear every last sound on the recording. You want to tell the difference between a Fender and Gibson or listen for the most minor inflection in a singer’s voice. You listen for things on recordings that the average listener could
care less about.
Picking up a pair of HE-560 will allow you to hear every sultry breath Lana Del Rey takes. Find them here: http://bit.ly/1VJs9uC
Let’s be honest. You love becoming lost in your music but nobody else appreciates it. Your spouse or significant other gets annoyed when you crank Iron Maiden at 11pm through a pair of open-back headphones. Your co-workers want to hit you over the head with a stapler because your Ed Sheeran sing-alongs at 8am Monday morning are just really annoying. Your compromise is a pair of closed over-the-ear headphones with or without noise canceling. Damn those who can’t appreciate great sound and crappy singing (that would be you). Selfish is your middle name.
The PSB M4U 2 is definitely the headphone for you. Find them here: http://bit.ly/1Lb0UPf
Connected One
Connected One
You. Yes you. That annoying person in line at Starbucks who can’t handle not being tethered to their cell phone while bopping their head to some Bruno Mars. You have to own the best wireless headphones money can buy primarily because they come with a cable/microphone that works seamlessly with your new iPhone 6+. Android users can suck on it. You pull the same stunt in the gym listening to Top 40 music with a lot of bass and lossy compression; you are the anti-Christ to audiophiles.
You'll definitely want to pick up a pair of Pendulumic Stance S1+ headphones in between pissing people off at Starbucks and the gym. Find them here: http://bit.ly/1FWsnaK
You are anal-retentive and not a lot of fun at parties because you’re constantly moving the wireless loudspeaker around in some weird attempt to create some form of soundstage. You care about sound quality. You love losing yourself in the music, but are constantly upgrading something in your headphone rig. You spend a lot of time trying to get the seal right before pressing play. You don’t feel strange carrying three pairs of headphones with you in your laptop bag. You’ve had impressions made for custom in-ear monitors.
If you're willing to shell out a few bucks (which we know you are for superior sounding music). then the HiFiMan HE-1000 is the headphone for you. Find them here: http://bit.ly/1LlLwTB