Political Personality Quiz: Are you a Libtard, Bhakt or Aaptard?
Political Personality Quiz: Are you a Libtard, Bhakt or Aaptard?
Confused about what political ideology to follow? Take our quiz to find out who you are...
Confused about what political ideology to follow? Take our quiz to find out who you are...

Is it okay to consume cows as food in India?
Which of these is a better gauge of the country's health?
Should homosexuality be a crime in India?
Who would you rather punch?
Who can you tolerate for longer?
Do you define India as a Hindu nation?
Is it okay to ban films and books that offend us?
Who do you enjoy more?
Choose one..
Congratulations, you are a Bhakt! You are realizing your dream of India being a modern and developed nation where there is plenty of space for ignorance and bigotry. Your spirit animal is a CGI beef eating sickular lion that was made by an American PR company but tells you to 'make in India'.
Congratulations you are an Aaptard! You remain in a constant state of protest and rebellion. You are still figuring out what you want but you know you don't have it. Your spirit animal is a morally superior high-horse.
Congratulations, you are a Libtard! You sit back and comment on how things should be. The best part is that you say it in perfect English, so you must be correct. But you've travelled to the 'real' India as we can clearly see in your social media stream. Your spirit animal is Shashi Tharoor.