Which Announced 2016 Presidential Candidate Are You?

Which 2016 Presidential Candidate fits your personality? Find out!

(NOTE: Quiz results do not 100% accurately describe candidates views and beliefs)

Created by Warwick (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 13, 2015

Should the United States government be allowed access to your information without a warrant in the name of national security?

Is Edward Snowden (the whistleblower who revealed the government's spying program) a hero or a villain?

How would you spend your weekend?

In your group of friends, who are you?

Coffee or Tea?

Should taxes be raised or lowered?

Which former failed Presidential candidate is your favorite?

Which former successful Presidential candidate is your favorite?

Which Founding Father do you like the most?

What is your favorite color?

Finally. The most important question. Who is your favorite Avenger?

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

You got: Hillary Clinton!

Well established among your peers, you enjoy a wide variety of friends and enemies. Your views and beliefs tend to follow that of your friends and those you surround yourself with. You come from a well respected family, and people place weight in your opinion.

Politically: Hillary Clinton is Moderate liberal. She believes in big government programs that help create equality.

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders

You got: Bernie Sanders!

The radical of your friends, you have no issue being controversial or even insulting to prove a point. You have a massive scale of justice and strive for everything to be fair. Those taking advantage of other people are your enemies, and you can either be an enemy or friend. There is no in between.

Politically: Bernie Sanders is Democratic Socialist. He believes that government is the solution to injustice and inequality.

Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee

You got: Mike Huckabee!

You are a very principled person. You see the world from one set of eyes, and feel it would be better that way. Regardless of if you are right or wrong, many people agree! You probably get along with adults better than teenagers.

Politically: Mike Huckabee is Conservative and a member of the Religious Right. He believes in Christian values being implemented to maintain America as a strong and moral nation.

Ben Carson

Ben Carson

You Got: Ben Carson!

You are extremely intelligent, always trying to find new things, new solutions, and new ideas. Research is definitely a hobby of yours. You strive to make things better. Your friends call you when they need advice, or maybe a problem solved.

Politically: Ben Carson is a Conservative. Though he brings a very new flavor to the conservative movement. Offering never before seen solutions and expertise on healthcare and welfare.

Carly Fiorina

Carly Fiorina

You got: Carly Fiorina!

You are honest, shrewd, and overall a good business person. You know your way to improve your circumstances. You probably like to remain somewhat unknown. Your friends describe you as ambitious.

Politically: You are Moderate conservative. You believe in businesses creating jobs and lower taxes creating wealth.

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz

You Got: Ted Cruz!

Ambitious and well-spoken, you never back down to a fight. You probably enjoy debating on a daily basis, not because you love to argue, but because you want to educate your fellow men. Your friends probably let you handle precarious situations, due to your ability to talk them out of dangerous circumstances.

Politically: Ted Cruz is Tea Party conservative. He believes in downsizing federal government and expanding local government.

Rand Paul

Rand Paul

You got: Rand Paul!

A trailblazer, you are probably the first to instigate intellectual conversation, and probably the first to skydive as well. You are passionate about rights, and believe everyone has a right to defend their rights. Your friends view you as a leader and a game changer.

Politically: You are Libertarian conservative. You believe that federal government should get smaller, and individual rights should be absolutely respected.

Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio

You got: Marco Rubio!

You are somewhat of an everyman. You have great ideas, big ambitions, but enjoy the simple things of life. You believe simple answers lead to simple solutions. And you try not to overcomplicate things.

Politically: Marco Rubio is moderate Tea Party conservative. He believes in a strong defense and a smaller government.

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