Which Famous Ninja Are You?!

Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre teacher and performer Billy Merritt once hypothesized that improvisers come in three categories: the pirate, the robot, and the ninja. Ninjas swoop in with stealth, making all the necessary moves without necessarily being highly visible. Which famous Ninja are you most like?

Washington Improv Theater
Created by Washington Improv Theater (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 28, 2015

Choose a hiding spot.

Choose a path.

Congratulations! You're a world famous fighting master. What is your weapon of choice?

Pick your superhero costume.

What is your super secret weapon?

Ideal home?



You got R2D2! You are the secret savior of your friend group. Although they may not credit you for these saves, you are the mastermind behind them. You have a metaphorical (or literal!) bag of tricks ready to prevent imminent danger. You spring into action immediately when needed and stay comfortably hidden when not. You are an invaluable resource!

Dazzle us with your amazing Ninja skills and come party with WIT for a great cause!

Every donation we get this spring will be DOUBLED through a grant by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. To help us reach our $15,000 goal, we're throwing a Pirates, Robots, and Ninjas Party on May 30 in Adams Morgan. Admission to the party is just $20 and bigger donations can get you awesome swag like our Pirate Robot Ninja t-shirt.

RSVP to the party and give to WIT here: http://bit.ly/piratesrobotsninjas

Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney

You got Dick Cheney! Whether or not people realize it...you're actually the one calling the shots. Someone else may claim the power role, .but honestly they're not fooling anyone. You are a natural born leader and will always find a way to get your voice heard. You're a true ninja because you're leading from behind the scenes. You sneaky ninja, you!

Dazzle us with your amazing Ninja skills and come party with WIT for a great cause!

Every donation we get this spring will be DOUBLED through a grant by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. To help us reach our $15,000 goal, we're throwing a Pirates, Robots, and Ninjas Party on May 30 in Adams Morgan. Admission to the party is just $20 and bigger donations can get you awesome swag like our Pirate Robot Ninja t-shirt.

RSVP to the party and give to WIT here: http://bit.ly/piratesrobotsninjas

Alfred Pennyworth

Alfred Pennyworth

You got Alfred Pennyworth! Batman would be nothing without his faithful Butler. You're the clever, comedic relief aiding all those around you without being seen. You're always there to help when needed but won't make yourself seen when not. You like to stay off the radar. You're an extremely loyal friend, often going above and beyond for those you care for. We would all be lucky to have you in our lives!

Dazzle us with your amazing Ninja skills and come party with WIT for a great cause!

Every donation we get this spring will be DOUBLED through a grant by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. To help us reach our $15,000 goal, we're throwing a Pirates, Robots, and Ninjas Party on May 30 in Adams Morgan. Admission to the party is just $20 and bigger donations can get you awesome swag like our Pirate Robot Ninja t-shirt.

RSVP to the party and give to WIT here: http://bit.ly/piratesrobotsninjas

Max Martin

Max Martin

You got Max Martin! "Who?" you may ask? Exactly. This guy is behind over 20 #1 songs and most people don't even know his name. That's you. The face behind the genius. You love being awesome and coming up with brilliant plans/ideas/creations but are more than happy letting someone else be the front runner while you silently collect the rewards. You are insanely talented and just want to share your talents with the world...and please do! The world wouldn't be the same without you!

Dazzle us with your amazing Ninja skills and come party with WIT for a great cause!

Every donation we get this spring will be DOUBLED through a grant by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. To help us reach our $15,000 goal, we're throwing a Pirates, Robots, and Ninjas Party on May 30 in Adams Morgan. Admission to the party is just $20 and bigger donations can get you awesome swag like our Pirate Robot Ninja t-shirt.

RSVP to the party and give to WIT here: http://bit.ly/piratesrobotsninjas

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On Nov 18, 2021