The World Quiz
The World Quiz
A fun and challenging quiz on the world, with questions about the geography, history, statistics, and more!
A fun and challenging quiz on the world, with questions about the geography, history, statistics, and more!

Let's start of easy. What is the largest city in the world (city proper)
Largest U.S. State by Area?
Longest River in the World?
Largest Metropolitan Area in the World?
Tallest Mountain in the United States?
When did Minnesota become a state?
Largest Island in the World?
A bit harder now: What is the third largest city in Canada (city proper)
What is the capital of Italy?
Let's make this even harder: When was Colorado Springs, Colorado incorporated?
What country did Napoleon invade, but eventually retreated from?
When did the Gulf War end?
Let's get this to be extremely hard (we only have a few more questions): How old was King Louis XVI of France at the time of his death?
How much is $1,000,000 in US money worth in Australia?
FINAL QUESTION: Who is the frontrunner in the 2016 GOP election (as of 2/10/16)?