How Should You Celebrate The End Of This Hellfire Year?
How Should You Celebrate The End Of This Hellfire Year?
2016 has been indisputably The Worst. How are you going to play it out?
2016 has been indisputably The Worst. How are you going to play it out?
How personally victimised do you feel by 2016?
Pick a YouTuber to get you through the next year.
What is the worst thing to happen this year?
Pick a 2016 meme.
What's one thing you want to become in 2017?
Apply for the one-way Mars mission
Apply for the one-way Mars mission
Get out while you still can.
Build a bunker in your garden
Build a bunker in your garden
Let's be real: 2017 isn't going to be any better, is it? Time to cut your losses and hide underground until everything blows over!
Throw the biggest party ever with all your friends
Throw the biggest party ever with all your friends
Might as well stay positive! Go out with a bang and bring your good vibes with you in 2017.
Go to the Winchester, have a pint and wait for all this to blow over
Go to the Winchester, have a pint and wait for all this to blow over
Maybe it didn't work out that well for Shaun and pals, but who knows???
Try to hibernate and get mad.
Try to hibernate and get mad.
Destroy a physical representation of 2016
Destroy a physical representation of 2016
Build a pinata, or write 2016 on a firework - either way, get rid of your frustrations by just destroying something.
Play Edward Fortyhands
Play Edward Fortyhands
You don't get your hands back until you're blind drunk (or crashing from the sugar, if you're underage). Perfect way to say goodbye to this garbage year!
Move to Canada
Move to Canada
It seems to be the only safe place left, right?