The ULTIMATE JackSepticEye Trivia Quiz
The ULTIMATE JackSepticEye Trivia Quiz
How well do you know Jack, really?
How well do you know Jack, really?
First things first, what is JackSepticEye's real name?
Which YouTuber gave Jack a huge career boost with a shout out in 2013?
What country is Jack from?
What's the name of Jack's hometown?
What did Jack study at university?
Where does Jack currently live?
How many siblings does Jack have?
When did Jack upload his first video to YouTube?
What is JackSepticEye and Markiplier's ship name?
Which one of these is NOT a JackSepticEye alter ego?
What is Jack's girlfriend's name?
Which of these is a JackSepticEye quote?
How tall is Jack?
What was the first game Jack made a video about on YouTube
In what year did Jack receive his Gold Play Button from YouTube?
What is Jack's Septic Eye named?
In what game did Jack introduce his catchphrase, "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies"
What colour does Jack usually dye his hair
We know that Jack isn't JackSepticEye's real name... so who nicknamed him Jack?
How much money did Jack raise for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in 2018?
Which of these does Jack describe himself as?
Jack has provided voice-acting for which of these games?
What does Jack give out at the end of his videos
Which of these instruments can Jack play?
Which team did Jack join on Pokémon Go?
What was Jack doing in his first ever YouTube video?
What was the name of the band Jack was once in?
What is Jack's favourite food