The ULTIMATE JackSepticEye Trivia Quiz

How well do you know Jack, really?

We The Unicorns
Created by We The Unicorns (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Feb 7, 2018
1 / 28

First things first, what is JackSepticEye's real name?

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Which YouTuber gave Jack a huge career boost with a shout out in 2013?

3 / 28

What country is Jack from?

4 / 28

What's the name of Jack's hometown?

5 / 28

What did Jack study at university?

6 / 28

Where does Jack currently live?

7 / 28

How many siblings does Jack have?

8 / 28

When did Jack upload his first video to YouTube?

9 / 28

What is JackSepticEye and Markiplier's ship name?

10 / 28

Which one of these is NOT a JackSepticEye alter ego?

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What is Jack's girlfriend's name?

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Which of these is a JackSepticEye quote?

13 / 28

How tall is Jack?

14 / 28

What was the first game Jack made a video about on YouTube

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In what year did Jack receive his Gold Play Button from YouTube?

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What is Jack's Septic Eye named?

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In what game did Jack introduce his catchphrase, "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies"

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What colour does Jack usually dye his hair

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We know that Jack isn't JackSepticEye's real name... so who nicknamed him Jack?

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How much money did Jack raise for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in 2018?

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Which of these does Jack describe himself as?

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Jack has provided voice-acting for which of these games?

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What does Jack give out at the end of his videos

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Which of these instruments can Jack play?

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Which team did Jack join on Pokémon Go?

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What was Jack doing in his first ever YouTube video?

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What was the name of the band Jack was once in?

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What is Jack's favourite food

Questions left
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