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What type of princess are you?

Ever wonder if you were a princess what you would be like? What your hair, outfit, or personality would be? Well now all your questions will finally be answered.

Josie Marie
Created by Josie Marie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Whats you're favorite color?

What food looks most appealing?

What do you think of when you hear the word Princess!

I would want to live ...

What's your favorite hair style?

What color hair would look best? (with the hairstyle you just picked)

What color eyes would you want?

Which dress do you think is the best?

Whats your favorite time of day?

If you could have 1 climate all year what would it be?

You mother is making you go to a ball that's for your brothers finding in a wife... Based on what type of person you are who do you think would ask to escort you?

If you had 1 ability... What would it be?

What kind of power would you want to posses

What would your magic come out of?

Last question... What do you look for in a friend?

The Fun Princess!

The Fun Princess!

You like things to be care-free and fun! You take risks, and find ways to enjoy yourself in even the most boring situations. A fun princess has friends that will always have her back no matter what! You tend to be a little arrogant at times, but you make up for it. Most of the time you are getting lectures by your parents, but you love who you are Be proud of being the fun one your a party animal, and love having a good time

The Calm Princess!

The Calm Princess!

You like things to bee cool, and collected. You're the total opposite of the fun sorta type. Living life is important , but whats the point if you're always putting yourself at risks? You generally go with the flow, and like to keep to yourself. Most times you would rather sit home, and read a book or watch movies then go to a club. A lot of people may give you crap, because you're not the "socializing" type. You get beat down at times, because you wish you were different. Lift your head princess your tiara is falling! Be proud of being the calm princess! You respect the life you were given, and wouldn't want to put it at any risk!

The Sassy Princess!

The Sassy Princess!

Well well well little miss diva! You like to take control of situations, and you do it with flare. You like things peachy perfect, and to make sure they are done right! You find yourself all ways out, and a-bout, and organizing, and planning things, but when you don't want to you let people know! You would consider yourself "popular", and a real dude magnet. Guys are falling head over heels for you, but you think they are not worthy of such a high class person like you. You are extremely bossy, but you can't help that its in your nature. Be proud of being the Sassy princess. You live up to no ones expectations, and love living life. Just loosen up a little c:

The Mysterious Princess!

The Mysterious Princess!

No one really understands you. You like things different from everyone else, and like to be the oddball. People underestimate you, but you always love a good challenge! You can take on almost any dare, and love peoples reaction when you do. You may find yourself always curious, and would be the one to walk into a scary haunted house. As for guys you push them away, but secretly you love...Love! When you find mister right you two share a passion for life you never had before. Be proud of being the Mysterious princess! You want people to understand you better, but don't really care if they don't. You keep your head through tough times, and don't have time to cry in a corner about it!

The Dreamer Princess!

The Dreamer Princess!

Dreaming in your head is an understatement of what you are! When you dream you dream BIG!!! You think of ideas that are outside the box, and its almost as if your dreams are real! You are a softy, and spend most of your time reading fantasy books or thinking a lot in your head. You don't depend on others though sometimes you need a little assistance. You have friends, but don't communicate much with them. Even though you spend a lot of time inside your own world you are a busy bee. As far as boys you feel awkward communicating with them, but boys chase after you like crazy! Be proud of being the Dreamer princess! You have a rare gift of "seeing beyond". Shh don't let anyone know its our little secret *wink*

The Magical Princess!

The Magical Princess!

Kind- Hearted Princess!

Kind- Hearted Princess!

Lucky you! Turns out you are kind after all (JK). Obviously you are nice to not just people, but to creatures as well! You are helpful, and love to make a difference in people's lives. No matter how bad a situation is you are always prepared for the worst. One thing that may bad is you are also very vulnerable. Since you are so kind, and have trust in anyone its very easy to manipulate you, but don't worry that's really the only downfall! As far as boys you see them just like everyone else. They're humans, and are put on this Earth for a mission. Don't get me wrong you fall in love with them from time to time, but your not super crazy. Be proud of being a Kind- Hearted princess! Your happiness consumes you, and makes you a better person everyday. If someone walks up to you, and tells you to stop being so kind. Tell them "I' m helping changing the world. What are you doing?". LOL jk

The Dark Princess!

The Dark Princess!

So you think all things dark, and creepy (JK). You are a mysterious misunderstood person. You a secretive, and have your heart on lock down. You are very fascinated in the concept of death, and have many questions about it. You don't have a ton of friends, but you like to keep your circle small. Even though you are misunderstood you have compassion in kindness about the one you love, and care about. As for boys you find boys as just a bump in the road. They get in the way, and are super annoying. but if you find mister right you too share a passion so strong its like trying to cut wire with scissors...IMPOSSIBLE! Be proud of being the dark princess. Even though you are unique, and different you still are human. Don't listen to people who talk crap about the way you look, dress, or anything else. Because your are perfect!! In a crooked kind of way c:

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