What greek goddess are you?
What greek goddess are you?
Atremis? Hera? Athena? Iris? Hestia? Aphrodite? Find out!
Atremis? Hera? Athena? Iris? Hestia? Aphrodite? Find out!

You are given an ugly baby left on your doorstep you....
Your preferred weapon is...
Choose a mortal myth
Choose a greek god as your partner for eternity
Your favorite GREEK myth
What foods do you eat
Favorite disney/pixar movie
favorite time of day?
Favorite one of the four elements?
favorite Percy Jackson Olympians book?
Okay lastly what about percabeth?
Your artemis! Goddess of the moon and hunt! The only man in your life is your brother! You lead a group of hunters to capture the most dangerous monsters in the world and love archery
You are hera, goddess of all the gods and of the heavens. You have a jerky husband that LOVES to cheat on you and you can never do it back! You are beautiful but all that stress and cheating makes you a pretty big jerk to those who you do not like.
Goddess of wisdom and war planning please spread your power to those who need it. You are a powerful god and won't take nonsense from anybody. You have a rivalry against the god of the sea and are annoyed by big mean jerks
You are the peace loving rainbow creating goddess of the rainbow. You don't necessarily like violence and appreciate the good and cuter things in life
you are the goddess of the hearth and family. You do not have one of your own but take care of mortal family everywhere. You are a kind goddess who likes her space and is willing to help anybody that does good
you are the goddess of love and beauty. You are also one of the most famous. You have an isolated husband who your cheating on with your jerk boyfriend that you love. You and Athena have some unspoken tension.