How Well Do You Really Remember The Original Star Wars Trilogy?
How Well Do You Really Remember The Original Star Wars Trilogy?
A quiz to separate the Jedi from the newbies. Is the force with you?
A quiz to separate the Jedi from the newbies. Is the force with you?

What is this character's name?
"Fear is the path to the dark side; fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate . . .
Who is the first Character to speak in A New Hope?
What is the name of Jabba the Hutt's assistant?
What was the name of Luke Skywalker's childhood friend that died attacking the first Death Star?
Who says "These aren't the droids you're looking for."
What is the name of the only Rebel Pilot to survive all 3 movies?
What is the line when Darth Vader reveals himself to be Luke's father?
How many bounty hunters did Vader address on the Star Destroyer Executor?
What famous catch-phrase did this character utter?
What is the name of Boba Fett's ship?
Luke Kills the Emperor : True or False?
How many languages does C-3PO know?
What does Han say when Leia tells him she loves him?
What is the name of the creature that attacks Luke on Hoth?
What is the name of the sand creature that eats Boba Fett?
What station was Luke planning on going to pick up power converters?
What is the name of Leia's home planet?