How Well Do You Remember The Pilot Of Friends?
How Well Do You Remember The Pilot Of Friends?
Are you a true friend?
Are you a true friend?

Created by Willa Costigan
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 10
Who speaks first?
2 / 10
What happens in the dream Chandler describes?
3 / 10
What is Ross's first line?
4 / 10
What advice does Joey offer Ross to get over his divorce?
5 / 10
What is Rachel wearing when she first appears?
6 / 10
What poster is on the wall in Ross's apartment?
7 / 10
What is the name of the guy Monica goes on a date with?
8 / 10
What does Rachel do to celebrate being on her own?
9 / 10
What is ross holding when he asks Rachel if he can ask her out?
10 / 10
What is the alternate name of the pilot episode?
Questions left
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