What Animal Is Your 'Game Of Thrones' Sigil?
What Animal Is Your 'Game Of Thrones' Sigil?
Do you howl? Do you roar? Where does your allegiance lie?
Do you howl? Do you roar? Where does your allegiance lie?

North or South?
East or West?
Choose the most powerful symbol
Must all men die?
What makes a good king?
Pick a magical creature
What matters most to you?
Pick a color
Would you like wine with that?
Whom do you serve?
Do you believe in magic?
Is winter coming?
A Kraken
A Kraken
You are the wrath of the sea, and you do not sew. Your allegiance is to yourself and your people, and you will do whatever you can to see them rule - even if you must pay the iron price.
A Dire Wolf
A Dire Wolf
You are the spirit of the north - cold, strong, and just. You are able to persevere even through the harshest hands fate might deal, and do not ask power for yourself, but for power to be in the hands to whom it rightfully belongs.
A Lion
A Lion
You are fierce and cunning . . . and ruthless when it comes to your pride. You consider yourself the King of your domain, no matter the plots and claims of others. Power is absolute, and you are the embodiment of that power. But beware, heavy lies the head . . .
A Dragon
A Dragon
You are the embodiment of both ferocity and of wonder. Yours is the blood of conquerors and of madmen - but also of bold and beloved spirits. Be careful for you might slip as easily into violence and insanity as you might the throne.
A Mockingbird
A Mockingbird
You care, above all, about number one. You would burn down all the seven kingdoms if you could be King of the ashes. You are ruthless, and cunning, and utterly devoted to your cause. You are one to keep an eye on - that unseen hand, moving all the pieces into just the right place, until comes the moment you will strike. Wait for it . . .
A Spider
A Spider
You may seem like the least likely of allies to the other animals, but you are more than you seem. Your allegiance is not to any house or thirst for power or fragile pride. You serve only the realm, and work towards its best outcome. You slip about, unnoticed, and may yet prove to be the most powerful of all . . .