What Looney Toons Character Is Your Spirit Animal?
What Looney Toons Character Is Your Spirit Animal?
Which one, doc?
Which one, doc?

When someone is chasing you, you:
Who would you consider your enemy?
Where would you like to live?
If you were the star of a movie, what would be the genre?
What do you want most out of life?
What word best describes you?
And finally, pick a human cartoon character:
Bugs Bunny
Bugs Bunny
Your spirit is cunning and clever, but, beyond all, cool under pressure. You are not the type of person to be intimidated, but rather approach all obstacles with a sense of humor and see all challenges as opportunities. Grab a carrot and take a load off, life for you is a breeze. Just remember to take that left at Albuquerque...
Daffy Duck
Daffy Duck
Your spirit animal is a duck with great ambition, but a track record for mishap and folly. While you might be one of the funniest and most enjoyable people to be around, that doesn't mean things go your way. You are ambitious and adventurous, perhaps sometimes to a fault. Your tenacity is your best quality, so if that Rascally Rabbit gets the better of you, get on up and try again! You can take the hit.
Tweety Bird
Tweety Bird
Your spirit animal is more than it appears to be. While the world might see you as innocent and harmless, there is a lot lurking beneath your cute exterior. You are cunning and powerful, but your greatest attribute is that you don't let it show. Some may see you as easy pray, but in the end, the joke will always be on them.
Wile E. Coyote
Wile E. Coyote
Your spirit animal is not framed for success, but there is none more devoted to the task at hand. While you may not have attained all your goals (yet), you keep at it, always coming back for another try no matter how bruised, battered, or burnt you've been in the past. Whatever cruel hand fate deals, you dust yourself off and try again, which is admirable and often hilarious. Maybe stop buying Acme products though (just a thought).
Porky Pig
Porky Pig
Your spirit animal is the perfect host. You are the kind of person who is always looking out for the best interest of your fellow man (or pig). You are kind and while your adventures my not be as calamitous as your peers, you are always ready to join in the fun. You also know that all good things must at some point end, and say: "That's All Folks!!"