Which Emmy Winning Series Are You?
Which Emmy Winning Series Are You?
You know you're outstanding - but in which category?
You know you're outstanding - but in which category?

What's your Genre? (the first one is always easy)
Choose a network:
Pick an Amy Poehler:
Best Lead Actor is . . .
Best Lead Actress is . . .
What's the most shocking snub?
Choose A Red Carpet Dress
Choose A Red Carpet Tux
Which Andy Samberg bit made you laugh?
Pick a runner-up
Game Of Thrones
Game Of Thrones
You are the little (sprawling) series that could. You've managed to transcend the barriers of culture and bring the once nerdy and ignored to world's biggest night in Television. You might have lost a few key players along the way (or have you?) but you're finally on top. The throne is yours.
Nobody saw this coming. Your keen ability to reflect hypocrisy and find silliness in even the harshest scenarios has put you ahead of the pack. Wholesome other shows might have been closer to peoples hearts, no one can say that you weren't the best . . . though lets keep in mind awards are only awards. In a democracy, as you know, the power is with the people.
Inside Amy Schumer
Inside Amy Schumer
Yas Kween. You might be sometimes vulgar (ok more than sometimes) and often dabble in the ridiculous, but you also have serious class and are irrefutably hilarious. In other words: you're not afraid to go deep. The people want their buttons push, and you are at the head of the console. Trainwreck or not, you're a winner. Or maybe everybody just loves a trainwreck. Yeah, that's probably it.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
You are the elder statesman of comedy, to whom the new school owe their thanks. You are consistent, incisive, and above all funny. You know how important it is to find laughs in even the most uncomfortable and darkest of times. For that we thank you. And though you may be gone, you will not be forgotten.
Olive Kitteridge
Olive Kitteridge
You don't run with the popular crowd, but only because you've got more serious matters to attend to. While others are busy with zombies and dragons you are looking at the deeper human experience, and finding the intrigue and drama that exists there. With your win, seems like there's room for more than dragons at the top.