Which Tom Hanks Movie Tells Your Story?
Which Tom Hanks Movie Tells Your Story?
Life is like a box of chocolates, or a lonely island, or a toy store . . . life can be a lot of things. Which one of these Tom Hanks movie is like yours?
Life is like a box of chocolates, or a lonely island, or a toy store . . . life can be a lot of things. Which one of these Tom Hanks movie is like yours?

If you had a time machine where would you visit?
What advice would you give your past self?
If you were stranded on a desert island what would you want to have?
If you had one wish, what would it be?
What is your greatest fear?
Do you believe in magic?
What do you do at a party?
You're living your life, going through the motions, but really you're still just a little kid inside. You can see the fun and wonderful things in everyday life, and always know how to have a good time. Life may sometimes get you down, but just remember that toys and trampolines never go out of style and you'll be fine.
Cast Away
Cast Away
No woman or man is truly an island, but sometimes life can get a bit lonely. You know how to entertain yourself on your own, and even find friends in the unlikeliest of places. Even though you may feel stranded, you'll never start fighting your way towards the ones you love.
Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump
You are a good soul who sees things a little bit differently than most people, but that is precisely what makes your life so wonderful and compelling. Wherever something big is happening, there you are. You don't hog the spotlight or chase fame and fortune, you only try to do the best for the ones you care about, and that makes you mighty.
The Green Mile
The Green Mile
When at times it seems as though life is baring down on you and there's nothing much to see beyond your work and your everyday grind, there can be a little spark of magic. You are the type who believes in goodness even though you see so much darkness in the world around you. There is magic to be found by those who know how to look for it.
Toy Story
Toy Story
If there is one major struggle in your life, then it is coming to grips with your place in the world. While life to you is fun and populated by great friends, you need to know that you are more than just the plaything of other people. You are your own great person with lots to offer.