Which Star Wars Creature Is Your Noble Steed?
Which Star Wars Creature Is Your Noble Steed?
Fingers crossed you're not a Scruffy Nurf Herder!
Fingers crossed you're not a Scruffy Nurf Herder!
If you had to be stationed in a harsh environment, you'd rather it be:
When it comes to choosing a mount, you want a creature that is:
Passion of the SITH or Discipline of the JEDI?
You would want a creature mostly as a:
Which of these ships would you most like to own?
Which of these is your favorite Earth-creature?
Which of these adjectives describes you best?
If you could be an alien species, which would you be?
You're A Bantha Barter!
You're A Bantha Barter!
Someone as warm-hearted as yourself deserves an equally warm n' fuzzy companion! The long-lived, gentle and kind Banthas are a native species of Tatooine - and a favorite amongst many of the inhabitants for their docile disposition. These large mammalian creatures can prove invaluable around moisture farms by hauling equipment - and even keeping intruders at bay. Their legendary poodoo also serves as some of the galaxy's best fertilizer - and one of it's finest insults as well! Above all else, their babies are absolutely adorable, and make excellent family pets. We see an illustrious career as a Bantha Breeder and Barter in your future!
You're A Dewback Delegator!
You're A Dewback Delegator!
A thick-skinned and hard-working individual such as yourself requires an equally sturdy mount - and the Dewback fits this bill perfectly. Large reptiles native to Tatooine, these enormous monitor lizards can survive the harshest of hot temperatures, and manage any work load. Famous for their usefulness as beasts of burden, your Dewback will serve you well both as a mount and as a partner in anything from hauling materials to crushing the droids you're not looking for.
You're A Tauntaun Tamer!
You're A Tauntaun Tamer!
A more traditional steed as far as the Galaxy far, far away is concerned, Tauntaun's are mild mannered mammalian mounts that inhabit the ice-planet Hoth. They can be anything from indifferent to infatuated with humans, and luckily your love of animals will have your Tauntaun falling into the latter category. Above all else, these creatures are hardy companions capable of surviving harsh conditions. As an animal lover, however, can we recommend NOT riding them into crazy-far-below-subzero temperatures? This may result in having your Tauntaun become a .... uh.... sleeping bag...
You're A Boga Boss!
You're A Boga Boss!
Much like the coupling of Obi-Wan and his trusty Varactyl, Boga, you're a mostly relaxed individual who still enjoys kicking it into high-gear when the time calls for it. Varactyls are extremely agile and fast reptilian mounts who can scale almost any surface and reach impressive top speeds. Wonderful for tactical navigation of a complex geographical topography (such as the planet of Utapau, where this species originates), these loyal creatures pander to your multi-talented mastery of many skillsets and natural adaptability!
You're An Aiwha Ace!
You're An Aiwha Ace!
Hope you can hold your breath underwater! These magnificent beasts (known as Aiwhas on Kamino and Naboo) can both soar through the skies and swim through the vast oceans of their native planet! Showing a true affinity for marine life and all that they represent, you're perfectly suited to take up the reigns as an Aiwha Ace and tame this ceatacean flier with the best of them. Let's see someone outrun you on a beast that can pursue both above land and within the ocean!
You're A Legendary Rancor Rider!
You're A Legendary Rancor Rider!
Very few like you exist. Your natural tenacity coupled with an unmistakable cunning has you perfectly suited to become a Legendary Rancor Rider! Rancors are fiercely territorial and very intelligent, making them excellent battle companions. What they lack in speed they make up for tenfold with unparalleled strength both in their arms and jaws. You have the true makings of a fearless warrior, and the Rancor is the mount to match your ferocity in battle!