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One Click Will Tell You Your Jungle Attack Style!

Are you quick like a snake attack? Or do you prowl like a tiger? One click and you'll know!

Created by Nope
On Mar 29, 2017

Snake Attack!

Snake Attack!

You are quick, direct, effective, and sharp! Some people find snakes scary, but you're pretty easy going unless someone pokes you with a stick or tries to mess with you. You're good in a group, but prefer to move alone when possible. You shed your skin to blend in with your environment-but you aren't disingenuous, rather you're smart and savvy. You don't like to bite, but you will when provoked-and you can be quite venomous when you want to be!

Tiger Attack!

Tiger Attack!

As a Tiger you have the confidence and capability to take on some of the most fearsome adversaries yourself. You are capable, unafraid, and you don't bother with lion pack drama! Although you're always ready to throw down, you prefer more relaxing activities, like hanging out and climbing trees. You aren't ever needlessly aggressive; you conserve your energy for emergency situations. Drama is not your scene!

Elephant Stampede!

Elephant Stampede!

Many don't think of you as a fighter, and most of the time you're pretty calm. You don't even eat meat! But when things get tough, you know how to get going! No one should count you out, because you're big, tough, and you don't quit. You're a people person, and you're protective of your heard. You make friends for life, and you'll show up for them when they need you. You don't hold grudges but you know what they say-an elephant never forgets!

Hippo Ambush!

Hippo Ambush!

People honestly don't even see you coming. You're so subtle that most don't even have time to react, because when you feel threatened you act immediately. It takes a lot to get you to that point, but once you're there people better watch out! You like to spend your time chilling with friends, just below the surface of large, cool, bodies of water-but sometimes someone shows up and just wants to cause a ruckus. And when that happens, you don't even give a warning, you just charge right on in there!

Panther Sneak Attack!

Panther Sneak Attack!

You’re not like all those other big cats. You aren’t fast like a cheetah, or tough like a Tiger, and you don’t need all your bros to help you out like a lion. No, you’re a Panther. You’re every move is calculated and deliberate; you are swift when you need to be, slow when that works. You can blend in or stand out, be seen when you want to and totally invisible when you don’t. You charm those you need to, and stay out of the way when it’s best. You don’t run head first into danger, because you know that the only person you can truly rely upon is you. That said, you a fiercely protective of family, and once someone has your loyalty-which isn’t easily given-they have it for life. When something’s going down you’re never caught off guard and you don’t mess around. You are a jungle ninja! All they see is a flash of black fur and white teeth and then...it’s over.

Lion Pride Mauling!

Lion Pride Mauling!

You come from a big family so you know you’re way around a punch-up; you have one at pretty much every family gathering, and your family gathers regularly. But you love them, even if sometimes you have to deal with cousins biting your tail, or brothers hassling you to hunt more food. As a lioness you move in prides or squads, highly effective hunting packs that provide for your pride. You and your sisters can handle pretty much anything (humans included), and few are foolish enough to mess with you. Every so often someone tries to throw down, but as soon as you and your sisters square up they’re wishing they hadn’t!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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