The British Are Building A Hedgehog Super Highway Because They're British
The British Are Building A Hedgehog Super Highway Because They're British
It'll be complete with rest stops and hedgehog gas stations! (feeding bowls)
It'll be complete with rest stops and hedgehog gas stations! (feeding bowls)
Gary Snyder discover two hedgehogs mating in his back garden one day. He realized quickly that his back garden was a popular hedgehog hangout, but that his sturdy fence was trapping them there and forcing them out onto the road. So, he made holes in his garden fence for them to escape, and convinced his neighbors to do the same.
Gary also puts out water and a little food for them.
The best thing about hedgehogs is that they're unafraid of humans and not aggressive to other creatures. They just roll along trying to find other hedgehogs to hang out with. I think we can all support that.
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