These Cartoons Accurately Depict How We All Feel About Everything

The struggle is real

Created by Nope
On Dec 16, 2015

Ani Castillo is a badass. She moved from Mexico to Canada and basically had to start her entire life from zero.


It was tough, so Ani sought some help from a psychologist. The two worked together to create "Imaginary Friend", a cartoon alter ego through which Ani could express herself safely.


For years Ani wouldn't speak much, because she was worried she would sound foolish in her new language.


"Imaginary Friend" helped Ani process her thoughts in an unfamiliar world.

Imaginary Friend is in all of us.


You can check out more of her stuff here

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021