What Star Wars Starship of the Clone Wars Is For You?
What Star Wars Starship of the Clone Wars Is For You?
From the multipurpose Venator Star Destroyer to the behemoth Lucrehulk Battleship, everyone has favorite Clone Wars era starship!
From the multipurpose Venator Star Destroyer to the behemoth Lucrehulk Battleship, everyone has favorite Clone Wars era starship!

What class of ship will be yours?
What class of ship will be yours?
What class of starship would be yours?
How much weaponry does your starship bear?
How much damage can your ship take before you burst into flames like Chinese fireworks?
Can your ship go as fast a Ludicrous Speed?
What is your starfighter carrying capacity?
Would your ship command an entire fleet? Or be equivalent to a red shirt?
Can you station troops and other ground forces, if so, how many?
What role would your ship play in a battle?
Will your starship continue to see usage throughout the Galactic Civil War?
Venator Star Destroyer
Venator Star Destroyer
Venator-class Star Destroyer
Primary capital ship of the Galactic Republic during the era, and continued to serve in the Empire. Armed with dual heavy turbolaser turrets and other laser weapons and torpedo launchers. This ship can also hold many fighters, doubling as a carrier. This vessel can take on most CIS vessels
Victory Star Destroyer
Victory Star Destroyer
Victory-I class Star Destroyer
Heavy warship used by the Republic about half-way through the Clone Wars and later throughout the Galactic Civil War and beyond. Successor to the Venator, this ship has hundreds of concussion missiles and quad turbolaser along its hull, threatening any opposing starship. The Imperial-class would be built upon this design towards the end of the Clone Wars.
Acclamator-I Assault Ship
Heavy cruiser utilized throughout the navies of the Republic and the Empire. It can hold hundreds of thousands of troops, cargo and fighters or vehicles. Though primarily a transport vessel, this ship can still partake in combat as a warship due to its heavy armament.
Lucrehulk Battleship
Converted from a former freighter, this massive starship can hold over a thousand starfighters, along with hundreds of thousands of ground troops. Heavy weapons such as missiles and quad turbolasers adorn its hull, and thick armor and good shielding protect it from attacking vessels. However, it is very slow due to its immense size.
Providence Destroyer
Providence Destroyer
Providence-class carrier/destroyer
Primary capital ship of the Confederacy. Armed to the teeth with heavy ship-to-ship weaponry, powerful shields, an the ability to carry a large starfighter contingent, this vessel is a worthy opponent.
Recusant Destroyer
Recusant Destroyer
Commerce Guild Recusant Destroyer
Heavy warship used as command ships in lieu of Providence destroyers. A large turbolaser cannon is mounted on its bow, with 2 dozen more scattered along its hull. Unlike the larger battleships of the CIS, this ship carriers no fighters, and relies on its heavy weaponry and powerful shielding for defense. However, it has relatively little armor, to give it a faster speed
Light Frigate
Light Frigate
Consulor corvette charger c70 refit
Refit of a former unnamed diplomatic vessel, these ships are very fast and have powerful turbolaser cannons and engines. They are a fighters nightmare, but don't fare well against larger frigate class vessels.