Victorian Learner Permit Test
Victorian Learner Permit Test
An official VicRoads practice test
An official VicRoads practice test
You are driving vehicle A. There are no oncoming vehicles. Which diagram shows a situation where overtaking is allowed?
This sign means that vehicles must give way to buses in built-up areas:
You are driving towards another vehicle at night. How close are you allowed to get to the other vehicle before you must 'dip' your headlights?
You are stopped at a Children's Crossing. Pedestrians are crossing in front of you. When are you allowed to drive forward?
You are approaching a railway crossing. A railway employee is signalling you to stop. You cannot see any trains coming. What should you do?
You are stopped at a railway crossing without gates, booms or flashing lights. A train has just passed. What should you do?
What should you do when you see horses on the road?
You are driving vehicle A. You must give way to
You are driving towards a pedestrian crossing. A pedestrian steps onto the crossing without looking. Who is responsible for avoiding a collision?
"You are driving vehicle A. How can you turn safely?"
Which vehicle must signal to leave the roundabout if practical?
You are sharing a lane with a cyclist. What is the minimum distance you should leave between your vehicle and the cyclist?
You want to drive on the tram tracks to turn right. A tram is in the tram lane next to you. What should you do?
A tram stops ahead of your vehicle. Pedestrians get off the tram and wait to cross in front of you. You must stop
You are driving on a multi-lane freeway. There are no transit lanes. When are you allowed to drive in the right lane?
Vehicle A is parked. What is the minimum time you must signal before driving out of the parking bay?
You park at the side of the road. You leave three metres of the road clear. Which road lines are you allowed to park opposite?
You are driving vehicle A. What should you do as you enter the freeway?
You are driving vehicle A. Who must give way?
When entering a roundabout you must give way to
You are driving vehicle A. You must give way to
How should you drive out of a bend in the road?
You are driving vehicle A when a tennis ball rolls onto the road ahead of you. You should
When is it advisable to drive more than the usual two seconds behind the vehicle in front?
You want to reduce your risk of crashing as a new solo driver. What is the most important thing you can do before you get your licence?
What is the best advice for learner drivers about driving at night?
You are driving at 10 km/h below the speed limit on a straight road. You are about two seconds behind the vehicle in front. The only reason for moving closer to the car in front is
Which of these things is most likely to cause drowsiness in drivers?
What should be the main aim of a learner driver?
What type of intersection is ahead?
Learner drivers will consistently make good driving decisions
What is one thing you should try if your brakes fail?