How Much "Wolf" is in your blood?
How Much "Wolf" is in your blood?
Want to know how much wolf is in your blood, from 1-10? Find out now!
Want to know how much wolf is in your blood, from 1-10? Find out now!

Are Wolves Your Favorite animal?
What would this smell like?
What color stands out to you?
When you are mad or upset does howling calm you down?
Find the animal
What about this one?
Do you like to hunt? Or do you support hunters?
What would this smell like? Do you even know what they are?
Last question, do you like living with a pack or with other people?
Not very much. You have some "wolf" in your blood. I would advise you to find a new favorite animal.
Good Job! You have just enough to count as a wolf. You can sort of howl like a wolf. You have sharp eyes like a wolf. They may not be as sharp but they are really sharp still.
Wow! Half of your blood is "wolf" You howl well, your eyes are sharp as a wolf's. If I were you I would love wolves!
That is as lot, almost 75% of your blood is a wolf! You have sharp eyes and your nose is excellent. And you howl like a real wolf!
You are almost there! Only 1 thing wrong! Think back and try to fix it if you want to be a pure blood. Good job! Being 9% you can howl, smell and see like a wolf just a little bit less.
Sorry, you have no percent of "wolf" in your blood. You may love wolves but you are not one of them.
Congrats, you are a pure wolf! You have the sharpest eyes in town and your howl is pure. You sense of smell means that you can be a hunter. You like hunting and like living with others. You are 100% wolf!