What type of fox are you?
What type of fox are you?
Have you ever wondered what type of a fox you would be? After all, there are so many different types of foxes... You could be an Arctic Fox, Fennec Fox, or just your regular Red Fox. Take this quiz and find out!
Have you ever wondered what type of a fox you would be? After all, there are so many different types of foxes... You could be an Arctic Fox, Fennec Fox, or just your regular Red Fox. Take this quiz and find out!

What is your favorite time of year?
Which answer describes you the best?
How do you respond when you are bullied/picked on?
Do you have a favorite genre of music?
What types of books do you read?
How many toys/stuffed animals do you own?
Last question. Did you enjoy this quiz? :D
Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox
You are a Fennec Fox! You are always looking on the bright side, even when things get dark. You make all of the other people around you happy, even if they are feeling depressed or down. You always have a positive attitude, even of you don't get your way. Everyone around you loves hanging out with you, and it makes them feel happy when they do. Congratulations!
Red Fox
Red Fox
You're a Red Fox! You are just a typical fox. You fit in just right, and you are normal. People don't really mind hanging out with you. You usually have a positive attitude, but when things get dark you get very sad, and depressed. Everyone around you doesn't mind though, they still love hanging out with you!
Arctic Fox
Arctic Fox
You are an Arctic Fox! You sometimes have a cold heart, and you love using sarcasm. You like to make the people around you laugh. You usually get super sad when things get dark, though. Don't worry though! People still love the way you use your sense of humor!