Who should be your James Bond husband?

Which James Bond are you matched to?

Womans Own10
Created by Womans Own10 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Where would you most like Bond to take you on a date?

What car would your dream Bond drive?

How do you like your dream Bond to dress?

What turns you on about a man?

Where would your dream holiday destination be?

Where would you like your dream man to come from?

What would you most like to eat from the below?

Sean Connery

Sean Connery

You like a man with experience and Sean’s James Bond, being the oldest of the Bonds, is the man for you! You like a man who is suave, sophisticated and witty. He should be full of confidence, calm under pressure and a bit of a flirt!

Pierce Brosnan

Pierce Brosnan

You like a man with a sense of humour and a cheeky smile! He’s got to be smooth talking and have a natural charm about him. You also like a man with a sensitive side and Pierce’s Bond is certainly all of these!

Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig

You like a guy who under his tough man persona is a sensitive soul at heart. You like a man who is mysterious but also a romantic. He keeps you on your toes and you like the chase! Muscles and a good body are also key!

Roger Moore

Roger Moore

You like a man who doesn't take himself too seriously and can make you laugh. A guy who is sexy, witty and a bit of a dark horse is what turns you on. He’s fun but he’s also a man's man!

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