20 Hairstyle Hacks That You Can Do With A Bobby Pin
20 Hairstyle Hacks That You Can Do With A Bobby Pin
The bobby pin - so small, yet so useful.
The bobby pin - so small, yet so useful.

Try a triangle
Change up your usual hairdo with some exposed bobby pin designs. Cross two sections of your hair over one another in the beck of your head, and slide a bobby pin horizontally over the crossed section. Then slide two bobby pins diagonally up on the left and right sides to make a triangle.
credit: http://bit.ly/1E1RoZT
And use the "locking" technique
Using a larger bobby pin or hairpin, aim the open end of the pin against the direction that your hair is pulled. Next, rotate the pin so the open end is facing the same direction as the hair, and push the pin in toward your head to secure it. If inserted correctly, the pins will pull your hair tighter and be unnoticeable. Repeat these steps until your style is completely secure.
Tip via: http://bit.ly/1uOHqs3