Only 1% Of The Population Can Pass This Colored Memory Test
Only 1% Of The Population Can Pass This Colored Memory Test
This is extremely difficult. Can you actually remember what you saw?
This is extremely difficult. Can you actually remember what you saw?

Stare at this photo. . .
Stare at this photo. . .
Stare at this photo. . .
Stare at this photo . . .
Stare at this photo . . .
Stare at this photo. . .
Finally, stare at this photo . . .
Passing this test means you have a really strong memory, perhaps even a photographic memory. You have the ability to look at a picture and memorize every single detail of it. The part of your brain the processes colors is especially active, which means you have an easy time recalling colors. Being able to retrieve such detailed memories is a very rare talent. It is a truly phenomenal gift you possess.
Try Again...
Try Again...
Don't be bummed that you failed. Only 1% of the population has a photographic memory. This just means that you're like the rest of us. Your memory functions perfectly fine, however it may be difficult for you to recall minor details such as the color of someone's shirt. Try this test again, but really focus this time. You may be able to remember better.