Test: How Well Do You Know Etiquette Rules?

There are so many articles about etiquette online that it feels like everyone should be an expert on this subject.
In order to find out if it’s true, Bright Side prepared this short yet curious test.

Yana Zakhvatova
Created by Yana Zakhvatova(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 27, 2016
1 / 12

What is the correct way to place your cutlery when you’re done eating?

2 / 12

What should you do if you’re offered a dish you don’t like?

3 / 12

What should a man do when he leaves a restaurant with a lady?

4 / 12

You are at dinner with your business colleagues. The host has just finished his toast. What should you do before you drink?

5 / 12

Who should exit the elevator first?

6 / 12

What should you do with your napkin after you’re seated?

7 / 12

You see a hair on the suit of the person to whom you are speaking. What should you do?

8 / 12

What should you do if you would like to try a dish that sits on the other side of the table?

9 / 12

Should you remove the price sticker from your gift?

10 / 12

What should you do if you see that you’re losing your audience?

11 / 12

Can you have a phone conversation if you have guests?

12 / 12

You’ve just received a compliment. What should you do?

Questions left
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