TMR Personality Quiz

Yandere Lover62
Created by Yandere Lover62 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jul 22, 2019
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1. What is your color scheme?

2. Would you save a soul, or would you eat it?

3. What do you think of Bullies?

4. What are friends like to you?

5. What is your favorite Sonic character?

6. Are you a morning person, or a night person?

7. On a scale of 1-10, how perverted are you?

8. What is love to you?

9. How did you feel when Stan Lee Died?

10. What do you think of love poems?

11. What is your power?

12. What do you prefer? (Coffee, or Hot Chocolate)

13. A friend named Quickachu refers to himself as "The Phantom of Determination". How do you feel about that title?

14. What would you do/say if someone told you what to do?

15. Are you a big Transformers fan?

16. What do you think about babies? Do you like them?

17. What is your favorite MLP Character?

18. How would you rate this quiz? (This has no effect in the results)

19. If you read "Unknown Entity" do you like it so far?

20. What is Reality to you?



A very unique and weird unknown entity (twomanyraptors). He calls himself "The Phantom of Reality" and can take the form into anything he wishes. Raptors can come off as scary and very deadly, but deep inside he's a very sweet and kind person. He may do bad things because he had bad done onto him and he suffers at times, but with the people around him and the kindness of friends, we can all work together to end his suffering. Raptors can eat the soul of those who are very dirty and do cruel things to others. He has an official book called "Unknown Entity" created by YandereLover62. He can also be a great friend once you get to know him better and doesn't always like to be treated like a YouTube icon. He wants to be accepted and treated like a human being. Yan-dere Yumi (Quiz Creator) hopes one day she could become Raptors friend and is very thankful to gain great advice from to help her change and become a very good person.



Emma is a sweet and kind woman, who is always there for her friends. She does worry a lot, but that just shows how much she cares. She has suffered from depression before in her life, but is doing a lot better. She isn't afraid to stand up for herself, or her friends if she has to. Emma is a really good guesser and a excellent artist. She also really good with servers and loves to play horror games. The most amazing part about Emma is that it isn't easy to annoy her, but when it comes to children, she has a hard time ignoring. Overall, she's a very good friend and brave young woman. You would be lucky to have a friend like her.

Yandere Lover62

Yandere Lover62

Yan is an android yandere cat girl, who likes to call herself "The Superior Android". She's a big fan of twomanyraptors, loves art, video games, YouTube, etc. Not much is known about Yan. Rumor is told that she has a sercet power, but no one knows what it is yet. She's a big fan of twomanyraptors and has longed to become his friend. It's almost like a life long dream. She has done bad things in the past, but she's also trying to do a great job becoming a better person....or android.



Rosy is a pink and white rose with a troubled heard. She has been betrayed, bullied, and assaulted before in her life. She has never had a good and caring friend utter than a teacher before. She always longed for a good friend and would do anything to get that. She's a big fan of twomanyraptors and even has a little bit of a crush on him. She had some family issues before, but she over comes them. Rosy doesn't really think of herself as a strong and caring person, but deep down inside, she really is...

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