Get to know: Yaniv
Get to know: Yaniv
R&D Team Leader
R&D Team Leader

I joined Playbuzz in July 2016, and I lead 2 teams in the R&D department.
How my journey at Playbuzz started
I started as a full stack developer and after being here for 9 months I progressed to full stack team leader, building a new team in the R&D department that develops our video offering.
Why I love working here
There's a big emphasis on personal development and learning. If and when we want to learn or practice a new skill, we can request to do a course or bring a lecturer to the office. We also have the option of taking online courses to stay up to date with the technology we use. We can then implement this knowledge into our job.
Playbuzz is an amazing product. Every developer has a lot of influence on the product itself. And I actually use it for fun too!
These statements are true for me. Which of these are true for you?
Want to know more about me?
Want to work here with me? Check out the available positions on the careers page and good luck!