What Kind of Girl Are You?

What kind of girl are you? If you really want to be sure, then take this quiz to find out!

Created by NekoKILLU (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 28, 2015

Favourite Colour?

Style In Clothes?

How Would You Spend Your Summer Vacation?

How Popular Are You?

What Type Of Music Do You Listen To?

Favourite Hairstyle?

Pick A Picture That Attracts You The Most:

What's Your Mood Right Now?

This Is Just A Random Question But...Pick An Anime Character!!! ...Please?

How Much Makeup Do You Wear?



You have a discriminating mind, your loyal & you have very little friends. But that doesn't stop you from being yourself. You don't really attend to talk, you just enjoy staying indoors and playing Video Games. People don't really understand you, but that doesn't stop you from following your own path!

Goth Girl

Goth Girl

You enjoy wearing dark clothes and your such a loner. You don't really enjoy the bright sun and you're more of a night person. You like to do things your own way and you LOVE listening to music. You don't have much friends, but people love having you as a little punk!

Hipster Girl

Hipster Girl

The only accessories you'd ever wear is at least a hat or a scarf. You have many friends and enjoy living in your hometown, like walking in the streets while listening to jazz music. You love do favors for people and your a very caring person. People think of you as a companion and love to smile at you every time they pass by you.

Girly Girl

Girly Girl

You love to dress-up in designer clothing and LOVE putting on so much makeup. You're really popular and everyone thinks of you as a celebrity. You love to gossip with others and you enjoy texting your friends on your cell phone. You love to sing and dance. You even have a unique sense of creativity, which is why people love you dearly!

Otaku Girl

Otaku Girl

You love Japanese culture and love dressing up cutesy and reading Manga. You enjoy watching Anime with others and you are mostly independant. You love listening to Dubstep and Anime music and adore everything around you, thinking that the world never regrets you. You do stuff yourself and you don't enjoy talking a lot.



You enjoy going to school, studying and getting the highest grades from everyone. You barely have friends, but your still a cheery person who loves trying new stuff and love learning about all kinds of stuff. You're more of a tech person, but you are also great at socializing!

Simple Girl

Simple Girl

You're an average person, who is always happy at everything you see. You especially LOVE nature and going on hikes. Your clothes are always casual. You never judge a book by it's cover and you never compare yourself with something. Your always being yourself and always a positive person. You have many friends and they all love for who you are, and you feel the same about them.

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