We Can Accurately Guess Your Name
We Can Accurately Guess Your Name
Answers 15 personality questions, and we'll correctly guess your name.
Answers 15 personality questions, and we'll correctly guess your name.

First, are you a man or a woman?
When were you born?
How many languages do you speak?
What would your best friend most likely say about you?
On a scale of 1-6: How romantic are you?
Do you prefer reading stories or listening to stories?
How often do you lie?
How often do you pray?
How often do you smoke pot?
Have you ever used two or more recreational drugs in one night?
Have you ever fantasized of being a rock-star?
At what time do you usually go to sleep?
How many hours do you usually sleep?
Have you ever gone on a road trip?
And finally, do you think we can accurately guess your name?
Your name is Miracle, and your 3 dominant traits are: stable, reliable, and introverted. You are a mother of 3, a loving wife, and one of the most creative people ever born! Your mind is like a magical garden of ideas: always blossoming and always growing. All in all, you are one kick ass woman!
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Your name is Sunshine, and your 3 dominant traits are: thoughtful, perceptive, and curious. You love gadgets, and people find you to be a philosophical problem-solver. You are observant and inquisitive, and you tend to rely more on The Mind. You are technology savvy, more artistic in your nature than the average, and experimental in your spirit.
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Your name is Jennifer, and your 3 dominant traits are: edgy, open-minded, and intuitive. You have a strong need for individuality, and you're revolutionary in your core. You live on your own terms, and you'd take a fierce stand in the face of strong opposition. You are wild, obscure, and an improviser, and you favor variety to routine.
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Your name is Joan, and your 3 dominant traits are: compassionate, team-player, and family-oriented. You are generous and sympathetic, and you put the needs of others first. You make people feel welcome, and you love children and family. You dislike disagreements, believe in God, and are a hopeless romantic. You are honest and trusting, and often try to please everyone.
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Your name is Jasmine, and your 3 dominant traits are: intuitive, open-minded, and artistic. You grew up in a small town, and since you were little you've had big dreams. All your life, you've worked very hard in order to make your dreams come true, and now you feel ready to tackle the world!
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Your name is Mary, and your 3 dominant traits are: stable, reliable, cautious. You prefer consistency to surprises, and want everything to add-up perfectly. You are not reckless, but suspicious in times. And you tend to think in terms of cost and benefit. All in all, you stick with what you know.
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Your name is Linda, and your 3 dominant traits are: ethical, conscientious, and practical. You favor predictability and routine, you meet obligations on time, and you're uncomfortable with imperfection. People, teachers, and employers LOVE and TRUST you.
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Your name is Lisa, and your 3 dominant traits are: self-assured, leadership-oriented, and competitive. You value happiness and success. You are sociable and a good friend. You have high self-esteem, and you set high standards for yourself and others. You also put a lot of effort into your looks.
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