What NBA Position Best Matches Your Personality?

From superstars to role players, the NBA is packed with different personalities and styles. But where would you best fit in? Take our test and find out...

Created by yazi (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 7, 2017

What's the more exciting play for you?

Which recent Hall of Famer is your favorite?

Do you prefer to try lots of new things, or find only one thing to do really, really well?

How much contact can you handle?

Are you a leader or a follower?

What do you think is your biggest attribute?

Other than basketball, what's your favorite sport?



You're a big personality who dominates any room you're in. You're passionate and protective of others, and are comfortable being a teammate or a star.

Power Forward

Power Forward

You're strong and reliable. You fit in well with your friends, and value stability and loyalty. If trouble brews you're happy to step in, but overall you're an easygoing, stabilizing force.

Small Forward

Small Forward

You're a jack of all trades who has a wide variety of skills. You're well-liked, can adapt to the needs of your job, and are the easygoing glue that holds your friends together.

Shooting Guard

Shooting Guard

You're the closer, the one who gets the job done and moves projects forward. Even when you're not leading, you're often the star performer. You're confident but can back it up.

Point Guard

Point Guard

You're passionate, highly skilled, and a natural leader. You're good at bringing people together in team environments.

Sixth Man

Sixth Man

You're someone who is relied upon by work colleague and friends to step in and help when trouble starts. You're adaptable, have a variety of interests, and learn quickly.

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