What Percentage Slob Are You?
What Percentage Slob Are You?
How low are your standards of cleanliness? Can you find your stuff easily or have to search between the junk on the floor?
How low are your standards of cleanliness? Can you find your stuff easily or have to search between the junk on the floor?

How often do you shower?
How many days can you wear the same jeans in a row?
Your room floor is full of...
How often do you clean the house?
Your food spilled on the floor, would you eat it?
Where are your keys right now?
If we'll open your fridge, what will we find?
You just realized that you accidentally threw something into the garbage. What would you do?
You're sterile like a hospital!
You're sterile like a hospital!
You don't drink from other people's bottles, you clean your house on a daily basis and feel really bad at the end of the day before you get your shower.
You know, the human body supposed to deal with bacteria sometimes.
Just about right!
Just about right!
You're very neat but still, you know when to let go and have some fun in the mud. It's all about the balance in life, and you're very much there!
Something smells in here....
Something smells in here....
Your room looks like a disaster, the floor is full of junk and food and your clothes smell funny. How about a good shower now and then? It might not be a problem for you, but those people around you would really appreciate the idea.